Ultrasonics is the science of sound waves above the limits of human audibility. The frequency of a sound wave determines its tone or pitch. Low frequencies produce low or bass tones. High frequencies produce high or treble tones. Ultrasound is a sound with a pitch so high that it cannot be heard by the human ear. Frequencies above 18 Kilohertz are usually considered to be ultrasonic.
The frequencies used for ultrasonic cleaning range from 20,000 cycles per second or kilohertz (kHz) to over 100,000 kHz.
Ultrasound is used in many different fields:
- Ultrasonic devices are used to detect objects and measure distances.
- Medical industry -Sonography
- Non-destructive testing of products and structures, detect invisible flaws, thickness gauging and bond testing.
- Industrial cleaning industry
- Pharmaceutical company
- Accelerating chemical processes.
- Predictive maintenance
Predictive Maintenance Applications.
Mostly the technology generates ultrasound to get the end result while in maintenance application the ultrasound wave is heterodyne to a frequency range within the human audible range.
Maintenance professionals can carry out a variety of task with ultrasound technology.
Leak Detection– Useful in saving the loss of energy due to leaks
- Compressed air leak detection and surveys and the cost analysis.
- Advanced leak detection- pressure leaks, vacuum leaks, and cost analysis.
- Steam leaks- steam trap inspection.
Valve inspection- valve opening and closing.
Electrical inspection- Can be used for non-intrusive inspection of electrical distribution lines, Switch gear, transformer, substations etc for problems like arc flash, corona/tracking, loose components etc…
Bearing inspection- High frequency sound in a plant with high ambient noise can be detected using such devices, useful in early detection and managing trends.
Lubrication inspection- easy to detect, very less or excess lubrication.
Noise waveform before and after lubrication
Ultrasound technology and products – The technology has developed over the years and there are wide range of applications in the maintenance industry.
Many brands have basic to advance instrument based the clients requirements.
Product pricing for basic to high end system range from $1500 to $25,000.00
IIOT related Ultrasound sensors with machine learning and analysis can be the future for many critical machinery diagnostics.
- Ultrasound measurement, analysis and reporting services.
- Ultrasound product sales & services.
- Ultrasound training
- IIOT remote monitoring sensors & services.
REFERENCE – Various OEM manuals and articles available in public domain.